
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Contention 14#

Remember: you once knew the whole Qur'an

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Contention 13#

We are designed to fall to our knees

Contention 12#

Jesus said 'ALlah', not 'Deus'.
('Say: ALlah! and leave them plunging in their games.')

Sunday, July 28, 2013

10 tahun

10 tahun, 10 tahun yang sukar. ALlah.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Life is fragile.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Contention 11#

Arabdom is not congenital

Contention 10#

The Liber Asian vs. the Manu Mission: a woman may be Arahat on Arafat

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Contention 9#

Modernity: An accelerating attempt to shovel matter into the growing hole where religion used to be

Friday, May 3, 2013


Kini sudah 27 tahun.

Contention 8#

No-one is more extroverted than the contemplative saint

Contention 7#

Your greatest liability is your lie-ability

Contention 6#

The Liber Asian is the reconciliation between Edom and Juda-yi Ism

Contention 5#

British Islam: 'We came as rebels, and found ourselves to be heirs.'

(Gershom Scholem)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bacaan yang tertangguh

Contention 4#

The Dajjal will only be king when only the blind are left in the valley

P/s: Happy Labour Day.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Contention 3#

A faqih in first class? And pigs will fly...

Contention 2#

Peace without justice is not peace at all.

Ganjaran mencari rezeki

Sesiapa yang bermalam dalam keadaan penat kerana mencari rezeki yang halal maka dia akan bermalam dengan keampunan (Tuhan).

- Riwayat Ibnu Asakir dan Anas

Rujukan: m/s 69, buku Bijak Mengurus Wang tulisan Hajah Rohani Datuk Haji Mohd Shahir.

Contention 1#

Augustine: man's deformity. Ishmael: his deiformity. (Defy, don't deify.)

Membeli daripada Bookdepository

Ini cubaan pertama membeli buku daripada Bookdepository yang berpengkalan di UK. Walaupun hampir sebulan menunggu, akhirnya bahan bacaan yang dinanti tiba jua.

P/s: Kos penghantaran dari UK ke Malaysia adalah percuma.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (2)

Ada cerita di sebalik gambar ini.

Mari mengundi

Pergi haji

AlhamduliLlah, sekarang boleh menyemak tahun keberangkatan ke Tanah Suci di internet.

1473H. 39 tahun lagi baru sampai giliran.

Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia (MSAM 14)

Seronok. Esok mahu pergi lagi.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ulama dan Kekuasaan


Ulama senantiasa memiliki peran penting dalam sejarah umat Islam. Bermula dari pesantren dan madrasah—di mana membimbing umat menjadi perhatian utama—ulama kemudian tampil sebagai satu kekuatan sosial-politik yang ikut menentukan arah perjalanan bangsa; suatu peran strategis seperti yang pernah diembannya saat menjadi elite kerajaan di Nusantara pra-kolonial, di mana ulama menjadi rujukan penguasa terkait kebijakan negara.

Buku ini berusaha menelusuri upaya para ulama membangun peran dan legitimasi sosio-intelektual dan budaya mereka di Indonesia. Satu poin penting untuk ditekankan adalah, posisi strategis ulama ini tidak datang secara tiba-tiba. Ia merupakan hasil perjuangan panjang melewati berbagai proses perubahan sosial-politik dalam sejarah Indonesia—mulai dari masa awal perkembangan Islam, kolonialisme Belanda, jaringan dengan Timur Tengah, hingga zaman pergerakan;  semuanya menjadi basis sosio-historis bagaimana elite Muslim ini terus terlibat, dengan bahasa konseptual yang terus berubah, dalam penerjemahan dan pendefinisian Islam untuk kaum Muslim  Indonesia, bahkan  hingga kini.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jawshan al-Kabir

al-Jawshan al-Kabīr, which means 'the strong cuirass or breastplace', is a supplication ascribed in a narration from Zayn al-'Abidin, the son of Husayn, to his great-grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him).

The supplication consists of many divine names and attributes, most of which are found in the Qur'an, and its recitation is reputed to be highly meritorious.

In recent times, it has been made popular by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the author of the Risale-i Nur, a Qur'anic commentary of several volumes concerned particularly with questions of belief.

Said Nursi recited the Jawshan regularly throughout his life, and as source of reflective thought, said that in one respect, the Risale-i Nur had been born of it. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Negeri Para Bedebah


Negeri Para Bedebah, karya ketiga novelis dari negara seberang, Tere Liye yang sedang kubaca setelah Hafalan Shalat Delisa dan Rembulan Di Wajahmu.

Nota tambahan: 5 bintang untuk novel ini. Menanti sambungannya, Negeri di Ujung Tanduk (16/4/2013)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pusaka virtual

Banyak sungguh tapak blogspot yang pernah aku buat. Ada yang seperti rumah terbengkalai, ada pula yang semacam rumah tanpa penghuni.


Hilang idea!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dan esok...

Sudah pertengahan Februari...

Dan esok apa pula yang akan terjadi?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sempena Maulid


(a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest)

Copy paste daripada Wikipedia:

Psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North have theorized that the burnout process can be divided into 12 phases, which are not necessarily followed sequentially, nor necessarily in any sense be relevant or exist other than as an abstract construct.

1. The Compulsion to Prove Oneself 
Often found at the beginning is excessive ambition. This is one's desire to prove themselves while at the workplace. This desire turns into determination and compulsion.

2. Working Harder 
Because they have to prove themselves to others or try to fit in an organization that does not suit them, people establish high personal expectations. In order to meet these expectations, they tend to focus only on work while they take on more work than they usually would. It may happen that they become obsessed with doing everything themselves. This will show that they are irreplaceable since they are able to do so much work without enlisting in the help of others.

3. Neglecting Their Needs 
Since they have devoted everything to work, they now have no time and energy for anything else. Friends and family, eating, and sleeping start to become seen as unnecessary or unimportant, as they reduce the time and energy that can be spent on work.

4. Displacement of Conflicts 
Now, the person has become aware that what they are doing is not right, but they are unable to see the source of the problem. This could lead to a crisis in themselves and become threatening. This is when the first physical symptoms are expressed.
5. Revision of Values 
In this stage, people isolate themselves from others, they avoid conflicts, and fall into a state of denial towards their basic physical needs while their perceptions change. They also change their value systems. The work consumes all energy they have left, leaving no energy and time for friends and hobbies. Their new value system is their job and they start to be emotionally blunt.
6. Denial of Emerging Problems 
The person begins to become intolerant. They do not like being social, and if they were to have social contact, it would be merely unbearable for them. Outsiders tend to see more aggression and sarcasm. It is not uncommon for them to blame their increasing problems on time pressure and all the work that they have to do, instead of on the ways that they have changed, themselves.

7. Withdrawal 
Their social contact is now at a minimum, soon turning into isolation, a wall. Alcohol or drugs may be sought out for a release since they are obsessively working "by the book". They often have feelings of being without hope or direction.

8. Obvious Behavioral Changes 
Coworkers, family, friends, and other people that are in their immediate social circles cannot overlook the behavioral changes of this person.

9. Depersonalization 
Losing contact with themselves, it's possible that they no longer see themselves or others as valuable. As well, the person loses track of their personal needs. Their view of life narrows to only seeing in the present time, while their life turns to a series of mechanical functions.

10. Inner Emptiness 
They feel empty inside and to overcome this, they might look for activity such as overeating, sex, alcohol, or drugs. These activities are often exaggerated.
11. Depression 
Burnout may include depression. In that case, the person is exhausted, hopeless, indifferent, and believe that there is nothing for them in the future. To them, there is no meaning of life. Typical depression symptoms arise.

12. Burnout Syndrome 
They collapse physically and emotionally and should seek immediate medical attention. In extreme cases, usually only when depression is involved, suicidal ideation may occur, with it being viewed as an escape from their situation. Only a few people will actually commit suicide.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tanjung Malim - sebuah transit

Lama tidak ke sana. Pekan kecil di perbatasan negeri Perak dan Selangor menjadi perhentian sementara sebelum meneruskan perjalanan sama ada ke Ipoh atau Kuala Kubu Baharu. Setelah beberapa tahun, bila lagi mahu ke sana?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tahun Baru

Sudah masuk tahun baru dan aku masih di sini.