
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ceritera 135

Appreciation for the path that I have chosen...

These new practices and institutions remain to this day a part and parcel of the very organization of the modern medical system. This is especially true in the field of pharmacy. In the words of Cyril Elgood, a noted contemporary historian of medicine,

so soundly did the Arabs establish their Materia Medica that their pharmacy has survived longer than any other section of their whole system. Their method of distribution of drugs unchanged today. The Pharmacy is still most important part of the hospital.(1)

(1) C. Elgood, Safavid Medical Practice (The Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecology in Persia Between 1500 A.D. and 1750 A.D) (London: Luzac & Company Ltd., 1970),p.30

Bakar, Osman, Tawhid and Science: Islamic Perpectives on Religion and Science (Shah Alam: Arah Pendidikan sdn Bhd, 2008),p.104

P/S: Picture of Ibnu Al-Baytar, considered one of the prominent figure in pharmacy during Islamic Golden Age.

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